Worship Services at First Church

Sunday Worship

8 AM Worship in the Chapel

Held in the intimate setting of the Chapel.

10 AM Worship in the Sanctuary

The First Church Choir sings at the 10 AM service.  A nursery is provided for the infants to age 2.

Sunday Worship can be viewed at 10 AM on Live Stream on YouTube.

This is a convenient way to participate in Sunday Worship if you are unable to attend in person.

— Viewing Services Online

You can attend services virtually at First Congregational Church. The 10 AM Worship Service is live-streamed and also posted to YouTube each Sunday.

Sunday Message Videos

Video messages are posted here and on our Facebook page. View current and past video messages or other posts at link below:

Services on Youtube or Facebook

Past sermons can be viewed on archive page link below:
Sermons Archive

Weekend at a Glance

First Congregational Church invites you to join us for worship each week on Sunday mornings. Worship at First Congregational Church is traditional, but open to all. It calls us to hear God’s Word, to reflect and to pray, to voice a response, and to go forth to serve.

If you miss a sermon or want to listen again to a past sermon you can listen to them again or view the bulletin in our extensive sermon archive.

Sunday Services Fall, Winter and Spring

For Adults
For Children and Youth
8:00 AM-8:45 AM
Worship in the Chapel
Worship in the intimate setting of the Chapel.
8:45-9:30 AM
Adult Learning Hour
Special book studies, video series and discussion.
10:00-11:00 AM
Worship in the Nave
All are welcome to the Worship Service in the sanctuary for the sermon, prayer, and music featuring the First Church Choir, soloists, vocal ensembles, and musicians.
Sunday School 
Children age 3 through children entering 6th grade
We encourage children to join their families in the Nave at 10:00 AM for the start of the worship service and children’s sermon, after which they will be called to Sunday School.
Times Vary
Pilgrim Youth Fellowship for Junior and Senior High School Students
Opportunities to gather for fun, fellowship and spiritual growth. 
11:00 AM – 12:00 pm
Coffee Fellowship – FOR ALL 
Everyone is welcome to Social Hour for coffee, lemonade, snacks and the chance to meet-up with friends and welcome new members and visitors.